If your name, account number or any form of personal identification has been used in a fraudulent scheme or transaction, you may wish to contact the agencies listed below.
Report any fraudulent activity on your deposit account such as lost or stolen checks, and other unauthorized transactions found in your account statement.
Credit Bureaus
Request a copy of your credit bureau report and look for unknown inquiries or approved credit. Request a statement be placed on your record that no further credit be approved unless you are contacted directly before approval is granted.
Merchant Check Guarantee Firms
Report any bank account set up fraudulently under your name to:
These agencies will place information in their systems about checks that are reported as stolen or lost. They will also make note of accounts that were opened for the purpose of true name fraud. This information is then made available to merchants who subscribe to their service.
Fraudulent Charges On Your Account
Report fraudulent charges on your First Piedmont account(s) to 864.489.6046. Review your account activity to ensure there are no unauthorized transactions. If you subscribe to a credit protection service, contact them to report any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions.
Social Security Services
Report victimization and improper use of your Social Security Number to the SSA Hotline at 800.269.0271. For additional information, visit your local Social Security office.
United States Post Office and Local Police Department
- United States Postal Inspectors Office
Contact your local post office to report any crime involving stolen mail or use of mail in furtherance of a fraudulent scheme. - Local Police Department
File a police report with your local police department. Make sure you keep a copy of the report for your records.
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
If your driver's license is stolen, report the theft immediately to your local DMV. Ensure that a duplicate license was not recently issued in your name to an imposter.
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
The FTC Consumer Response Center provides information, logs complaints, and helps victims of identity theft rectify damage to their credit and personal reputation. Contact the FTC through one of these methods: